#### cut and paste the following into a file for the class File #### #### To auto-match the locations specified in the public file template, #### #### save it to classes/data/.class.php #### -------------------------------------------------------------------- array('template_test','another_table)); * * the 'block_name_1' is used to identify the block of data on the template page. * the array of table names is to get formatting data for any fields that need it. If your * SQL gets data (via a join) from more than one table, list them all to get all formatting data. * * NB:: table names do not need the 'tbl_' prefix in this array - it is added during processing */ public $formatting_tables = array('item_list' => array(''), 'item_new' => array('')); public $credentials_index = DB_CREDENTIALS_INDEX; function __construct() { /** * REQUIRED! DO NOT EDIT THIS FUNCTION */ $this->db = new PDO_connection($this->credentials_index); //create a database connection// parent::__construct(); //### MUST CALL parent constructor ###// } function __destruct() { /** * REQUIRED! DO NOT EDIT THIS FUNCTION */ unset($this->db); } public function list_items() { /** * Create $data_sql (array) of block name used in template as array key, sql needed to fill in form fields. * sql can return zero records and the form will be created with empty fields (good for 'add new' forms) */ if($this->pagination_available) //checks if the pagination class is included { /** * If you want pagination of the recordset, you must include "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" AS the first * item in the SELECT SQL statement and the code $limit_sql as the last item. * NB:. There is no comma after "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" before the rest of the SQL select Items. */ pagination::$records_per_page = 10; //set if required, otherwise default of 10 is used pagination::set_values(); $limit_sql = pagination::$recordset_limiter; //get sql limit code for below } $data_sql = array("item_list" => "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM tbl_ ORDER BY key_id" . $limit_sql); /** * Create the array of data used in button in this block */ $this->button_data['item_list'] = array("edit" => $this->lang['edit']." Item", "reset" => $this->lang['reset'], "update" => $this->lang['update']. " Items", "delete" => $this->lang['delete']." Item", "are_you_sure" => $this->lang['are_you_sure'] ); /** * Run the 'get_database_data()' function to get the db data & set the page template data */ $this->get_database_data($data_sql); //which also sets the template data /** * define any javascript that needs to go on the page: The default field are: * 'header_block' - script that is inserted between the html tags. * 'body_event' - function code inserted in the tag - EG * 'footer_block' - script that inserted at the end of the page. * * Other javascript blocks may be defined - don't forget to add [javascript.newBlockName] placeholders * in the HTML template page. */ $this->javascript_data['header_block'] = << // JAVASCRIPT_BLOCK; }// end of list_units public function new_item() { /** * Create $data_sql (array) of block name used in template as array key, sql needed to fill in form fields. * sql can return zero records and the form will be created with empty fields (good for 'add new' forms) */ $data_sql = array("item_new" => "SELECT * FROM tbl_ WHERE 1 = 0 "); /** * Create the array of data used in button in this block */ $this->button_data['item_new'] = array("insert" => $this->lang['insert']." Item", "reset" => $this->lang['reset']); /** * Run the 'get_database_data()' function to get the db data & set the page template data */ $this->get_database_data($data_sql); //which also sets the template data /** * No specific javascript defined for this block */ } public function custom_output() { /** * Example of a full override function, doing whatever the hell you like * , and even being driven by the data in the database. */ $url = 'http://wordpress.org/news/feed/'; $url = 'http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml'; $arg_list = current(func_get_args()); /** * $arg_list is an array with the following key / value pairs * These may be used in this function to get the necessary data for the required output * Array * ( * [key_id] * [field_name] * [field_type] * [lookup_type] * [lookup_source] * [field_size] * [lower_constraint] * [upper_constraint] * [mandatory] * [field_javascript] * [override_function] * [field_label] * [hint] * [error_message] * [field_value] * ) */ // do stuff to populate $tmp with the value you wish to return for the 'custom_output' field return $tmp; } public function onload_function($BlockName,&$CurrRec,$RecNum) { //$BlockName : name of the block that calls the function (read only) //$CurrRec : array that contains columns of the current record (read/write) //$RecNum : number of the current record (read only) /** * use any value from from the block data (passed as an array &$CurrRec) * and run any process / database interaction / formatting on it you wish. * Load any results back into the current record as * * $CurrRec['php_function'][{any name}] to be included on the page. * * Thus you could query the database using $CurrRec['key_id']['field_value'] * and then populate: * * $CurrRec['php_function']['invoice_list'] * * as a hyperlinked unordered list. * * Simply then include the tag on the page as [{block_name}.php_function.invoice_list] * EG [item_list.php_function.invoice_list] * * */ $CurrRec['php_function']['level'] = 'excellent'; } /** * ############################################################### * Action (submit) buttons in forms must be named * * btn_update * btn_insert * btn_delete * * for this system to automagically work. * If you have many submit buttons ensure they have unique IDs! * * Here is where we write the functions to perform database / data processing * The 3 standard functions MUST be named: * * db_update() * db_insert() * db_delete($key_id) * * it is helpful to add values to $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'] confirming the action * that will be displayed to the user in the [page.user_message] tag. * * ################################################################## * */ protected function db_update() { //UPDATE $sql = "UPDATE tbl_ SET x = :x , y = :y, z = :z WHERE key_id = :key_id"; $data_obj = new pdo_query($this->db); $data_obj->prepare_query($sql); $data_obj->start_transaction(); for($i=0;$iposted_data['item_list:key_id']);$i++) { $data = array("x" => $this->posted_data['item_list:x'][$i], "y" => mydate::set_sql_date($this->posted_data['item_list:ty'][$i]), "z" => $this->posted_data['item_list:z'][$i], "key_id" => $this->posted_data['item_list:key_id'][$i]); $data_obj->execute_query($data); } $result = $data_obj->commit_transaction(); unset($data_obj); if($result){ //Success $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'].= "
"; }else{ //failure $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'].= "
"; } } protected function db_insert() { //INSERT NEW $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_ (x, y, z) VALUES (:x, :y, :z)"; $data_obj = new pdo_query($this->db); $data_obj->prepare_query($sql); $data = array("x" => $this->posted_data['item_new:x'][0], "y" => $this->posted_data['item_new:y'][0], "z" => $this->posted_data['item_new:z'][0]); $result = $data_obj->execute_query($data); $data_obj->get_last_insert_id(); $item_id = $data_obj->last_insert_id; /** * Do Extra stuff in other tables using new item id? */ unset($data_obj); if($result){ //Success $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'].= "
"; }else{ //failure $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'].= "
"; } } protected function db_delete($key_id) { //delete $sql = "DELETE FROM tbl_ WHERE key_id = :key_id"; $data_obj = new pdo_query($this->db); $data_obj->prepare_query($sql); $data = array("key_id" => $key_id); $result = $data_obj->execute_query($data); unset($data_obj); if($result){ //Success $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'].= "
"; }else{ //failure $this->extra_page_fields['user_message'].= "
"; } } } ?>