[setup.field_name.label;block=table]: | [setup.field_name.field_value]
[setup.field_label.label]: | [setup.field_label.form_field] (Label displayed on page to identify this field . REQUIRED) |
[setup.field_type.label]: | [setup.field_type.form_field] (determines how field is displayed on page and user input is validated. REQUIRED)
- Hidden: Makes 'hidden' form field on page
- Text: 1 Line Text box.
- Date: Small date field with clickable calendar. Will only accept valid dates
- Decimal: Will only accept valid numbers. May be a decimal. EG. 3.14
- Integer: Will only accept valid integers
- Picklist: Generates a picklist according to the Lookup Type (below)
- Password: Password field where input is masked
- Email Address: 1 line text field that validates email addresses
- Checkbox: Generates a checkbox for this field. lower_constraint is the unchecked value, upper_constraint is the checked value
- Radio Buttons: Generates a set of Radio Buttons based on the Lookup Type (below)
- Text Area: Large general input area. Upper Constraint is the number of rows, Lower Constraint the number of columns.
- Custom Field Function: use a custom function in the class file for data input field.
[setup.override_function.label]: | [setup.override_function.form_field]
(If field type (above) is set to custom function, the script will used this named function from the calling class file)
For example, if you need a mooring id to display a list of invoices, you could specify a function to
retrieve all the invoices for this field id.
[setup.lookup_type.label]: | [setup.lookup_type.form_field] (all picklists start with "Select One")
All but "yes/No" uses the Lookup Source field to specify data source for lookup
- Lookup Table: Specifies a lookup table in the "*_formatting" database from which to populate the picklist
- Yes / No: Will give a picklist with 'Yes' & 'No' as the options
- List of Values: Enter List of Values in Lookup Source, below
- Function: Write name of function from class file into Lookup Source, below
[setup.lookup_source.label]: | [setup.lookup_source.form_field]
(If Lookup Type above needs a data source, enter it here.)
- Lookup Table: Table name (EG. lookup_size_chart) in _formatting database with lookup list options
- List of Values: semi-colon & pipe seperated list for Values & Options. EG: 1|yellow;2|green;3|blue
- Function: Write Named function in class file to return an array of picklist Values & Options. EG. 'get_staff_list'
[setup.field_size.label]: | [setup.field_size.form_field] (Size of field displayed on page)
This value is used in the "size" of the the input fields
[setup.lower_constraint.label]: | [setup.lower_constraint.form_field]
(If desired, sets the lower permitted value of the field. Varies according to field type)
- Text: Sets the minimum number of characters permitted
- Date: Sets the minimum date permitted (YYYY-MM-DD or blank for no minimum)
- Decimal: Sets the minimum permitted number (or blank for no minimum)
- Integer: Sets the minimum permitted number (or blank for no minimum)
- Password: Sets the minimum number of characters permitted
- Email Address: Sets the minimum number of characters permitted
- Text Area: Formatting value - sets the number of columns wide the textarea is.
[setup.upper_constraint.label]: | [setup.upper_constraint.form_field]
(If desired, sets the upper permitted value of the field. Varies according to field type)
- Text: Sets the maximum number of characters permitted
- Date: Sets the maximum date permitted (YYYY-MM-DD or blank for no maximum)
- Decimal: Sets the maximum permitted number (or blank for no maximum)
- Integer: Sets the maximum permitted number (or blank for no maximum)
- Password: Sets the maximum number of characters permitted
- Email Address: Sets the maximum number of characters permitted
- Text Area: Formatting value - sets the number of rows long the textarea is.
[setup.mandatory.label]: | [setup.mandatory.form_field]
(If set to 'Yes', End user must enter a value for this form field) |
[setup.field_javascript.label]: | [setup.field_javascript.form_field]
(Any javascript that will be added to this field)
If present, this javascript will be added into the field at the appropriate place.
For example, onclick="return confirm('Are You Sure?)" or onchange="do_ajax_function()".
[setup.hint.label]: | [setup.hint.form_field]
(This displays a hint to the end user to guide their data entry)
For example, "Maximum 30 characters", or "Numeric values only please"
[setup.error_message.label]: | [setup.error_message.form_field]
(Error message displayed should the end user fail to meet any required criteria)
Do not include the field label as this will be automaticaly added.
Thus if it is a required, numerical field between 0 and 100 (ie, a percentage), you could type here:
"is a required field and must be numeric only between 0 and 100".
[setup.custom_output.label]: | [setup.custom_output.form_field]
(Custom output if different from input)
Can set a named function from the calling class file here, to show a different output to that of the input field.
EG. Input field may be 'text' for an RSS Feed URL. Output function may be contents of that RSS Feed.