[javascript.header_block] System Setup

Form Data Editing Page for tbl_[page.table_name]

[setup.field_name.label;block=table]: [setup.field_name.field_value] [setup.field_name.form_field]
[setup.field_label.label]: [setup.field_label.form_field] (Label displayed on page to identify this field . REQUIRED)
[setup.field_type.label]: [setup.field_type.form_field] (determines how field is displayed on page and user input is validated. REQUIRED)
  • Hidden: Makes 'hidden' form field on page
  • Text: 1 Line Text box.
  • Date: Small date field with clickable calendar. Will only accept valid dates
  • Decimal: Will only accept valid numbers. May be a decimal. EG. 3.14
  • Integer: Will only accept valid integers
  • Picklist: Generates a picklist according to the Lookup Type (below)
  • Password: Password field where input is masked
  • Email Address: 1 line text field that validates email addresses
  • Checkbox: Generates a checkbox for this field. lower_constraint is the unchecked value, upper_constraint is the checked value
  • Radio Buttons: Generates a set of Radio Buttons based on the Lookup Type (below)
  • Text Area: Large general input area. Upper Constraint is the number of rows, Lower Constraint the number of columns.
  • Custom Field Function: use a custom function in the class file for data input field.
[setup.override_function.label]: [setup.override_function.form_field] (If field type (above) is set to custom function, the script will used this named function from the calling class file)
For example, if you need a mooring id to display a list of invoices, you could specify a function to retrieve all the invoices for this field id.
[setup.lookup_type.label]: [setup.lookup_type.form_field] (all picklists start with "Select One")
All but "yes/No" uses the Lookup Source field to specify data source for lookup
  1. Lookup Table: Specifies a lookup table in the "*_formatting" database from which to populate the picklist
  2. Yes / No: Will give a picklist with 'Yes' & 'No' as the options
  3. List of Values: Enter List of Values in Lookup Source, below
  4. Function: Write name of function from class file into Lookup Source, below
[setup.lookup_source.label]: [setup.lookup_source.form_field] (If Lookup Type above needs a data source, enter it here.)
  • Lookup Table: Table name (EG. lookup_size_chart) in _formatting database with lookup list options
  • List of Values: semi-colon & pipe seperated list for Values & Options. EG: 1|yellow;2|green;3|blue
  • Function: Write Named function in class file to return an array of picklist Values & Options. EG. 'get_staff_list'
[setup.field_size.label]: [setup.field_size.form_field] (Size of field displayed on page)
This value is used in the "size" of the the input fields
[setup.lower_constraint.label]: [setup.lower_constraint.form_field] (If desired, sets the lower permitted value of the field. Varies according to field type)
  • Text: Sets the minimum number of characters permitted
  • Date: Sets the minimum date permitted (YYYY-MM-DD or blank for no minimum)
  • Decimal: Sets the minimum permitted number (or blank for no minimum)
  • Integer: Sets the minimum permitted number (or blank for no minimum)
  • Password: Sets the minimum number of characters permitted
  • Email Address: Sets the minimum number of characters permitted
  • Text Area: Formatting value - sets the number of columns wide the textarea is.
[setup.upper_constraint.label]: [setup.upper_constraint.form_field] (If desired, sets the upper permitted value of the field. Varies according to field type)
  • Text: Sets the maximum number of characters permitted
  • Date: Sets the maximum date permitted (YYYY-MM-DD or blank for no maximum)
  • Decimal: Sets the maximum permitted number (or blank for no maximum)
  • Integer: Sets the maximum permitted number (or blank for no maximum)
  • Password: Sets the maximum number of characters permitted
  • Email Address: Sets the maximum number of characters permitted
  • Text Area: Formatting value - sets the number of rows long the textarea is.
[setup.mandatory.label]: [setup.mandatory.form_field] (If set to 'Yes', End user must enter a value for this form field)
[setup.field_javascript.label]: [setup.field_javascript.form_field] (Any javascript that will be added to this field)
If present, this javascript will be added into the field at the appropriate place.
For example, onclick="return confirm('Are You Sure?)" or onchange="do_ajax_function()".
[setup.hint.label]: [setup.hint.form_field] (This displays a hint to the end user to guide their data entry)
For example, "Maximum 30 characters", or "Numeric values only please"
[setup.error_message.label]: [setup.error_message.form_field] (Error message displayed should the end user fail to meet any required criteria)
Do not include the field label as this will be automaticaly added. Thus if it is a required, numerical field between 0 and 100 (ie, a percentage), you could type here: "is a required field and must be numeric only between 0 and 100".
[setup.custom_output.label]: [setup.custom_output.form_field] (Custom output if different from input)
Can set a named function from the calling class file here, to show a different output to that of the input field. EG. Input field may be 'text' for an RSS Feed URL. Output function may be contents of that RSS Feed.

Page rendered at: [page.timestamp]. Time taken: [page.script_time]

[onshow..error_msg] [javascript.footer_block]